No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate you are, your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to build and inspire a team. A successful leader is one who can spur his or her team members to work well together toward a common vision and goal.
Meet The Executive Directors
Prafulla Wadaskar (PhD)
Founder & CTO
Mr. Prafulla Wadaskar is leading Innovation & Technology advancement goals for the organisation. He has extensively worked on developing IoT solutions, innovating connected lighting solutions and technologies that includes DALI, BLE, WiFi and SL-BUS technology. He has a strong passion and contribution towards open source community & IoT Education.
Rajesh Dhoot
Director - R&D
In 1994 Mr. Rajesh Dhoot has planted the concept of VADACTRO in the minds of core VADACTRO pillars. Since then the efforts are done coupled with passionate work towards this activity. His 32+ years of experience coupled with strong technical foundation leads research activity of VADACTRO.
Meet The Team
Pravin Wadaskar
Product Marketing
Since beginning Mr. Pravin in actively owning in product marketing responsibility for VADACTRO specially in B2B segment. His passionate efforts coupled with industry knowledge has brought financial strengths to VADACTRO.
Vijay Sharma
Head of Manufacturing
Mr.Vijay is an electronics engineer having 20+ years of experience in the field of electronics design, development and in setting up state of art advanced manufacturing infrastructure. His extensive knowledge, experience and passion has strengthened VADACTRO Manufacuring.
Satyashil Kaninde
Business Development Associate
Mr. Satyashil brings in diversified LED Drivers, Home Automation & Lighting experience to the organisation. He is responsible for VADACTRO's Module business promotion through his strong interconnect with the customers..
Samiksha Kadam
VADACTRO Sales & Support
Young, Dynamic, Enthusiastic personality is leading VADACTRO's Sales & Customer Support activities. Her inter-personnel communication skills and sales experience is cultivating VADACTRO's customer relations (Sales and Support) to the next level.
Ashish Jaju
Apps Development
A Passionate, Hardworking, Multi-talented, personality, is actively leading VADACTRO's Android and iOS apps development activities.
Sanjeevani Ghodake
S/W Validation & Product QA
Sincere personality is actively involved in VADACTRO's Product QA and Validation activities. Her patient and hard efforts are helping to bring in better quality through her software validation activities.
Shrikantji Dhoot
Accounts & Finance Manager
Highly experienced, process oriented personality is leading VADACTRO's Financial management responsibilities. .
Atul Wade
Dynamic, Enthusiastic personality is leading VADACTRO's key manufacturing unit at Amravati. His hardworking efforts and leadership skills are helping VADACTRO to achieve objective of "Target-0-Defect" on manufacturing line.
Our Inspiration
Avinash Kale
Mr. Avinash Kale, Head - Europe Application Engineering at NXP brings in vast products and operational management expertise for the team VADACTRO. His diversified experience is greatly helping team.
Jitender Sandhu
Mr. Sandhu, Head - M2M India and ASEAN at Thales (Gemalto M2M GmbH) brings in inspirational motivation for team VADACTRO. his extensive industrial touch is helping to get closure to the customer base.
The best way a mentor can prepare another leader is to expose him or her to other great people. Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. Fortunately team VADACTRO has a pool of mentors who are providing diversified guidance, these are -
Our Mentors
Dr. Deepak Dhote
BBSC Amravati
Dr. Dhote has motivated core VADACTRO members to risk for shaping the dream come true. Dr. Dhote is associated with Shree Santa Gadge Baba University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India. He is Principal at Brijlal Biyani Science Collage, Amravati.

Dr. Arvind Shaligram
University of Pune
VADACTRO is getting a guidance from Dr. Arvind Shaligram Sir. His diversified knowledge is helping a lot for positive progress of VADACTRO. Sir has over 35 years of Teaching and research experience, guided over 29 Ph. D. and over 20 M.Phil Students, and published 450+ research papers so far. He is Heading Electronic Science Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.
Vinay Mundada
Design Educator
Vinay Mundada has been mentoring VADACTRO since beginning for Industrial and UX design. He is an Industrial Designer from IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay and Ex. Dean, DSK World University, Ex Director, Symbiosis Institute of Design (SID), Pune (India).
Kashinath Karekar
WPG - India
Since the beginning Mr. Karekar is mentoring VADACTRO on marketing front. His 35+ years of Experience in Electronics Equipment, Consumer & Semiconductor Sales & Marketing helps a lot on our organisational goals. He is VP Sales and Operations Director at WPG Electronics India.